- I have two left feet, so I can't dance. Why should I even try? Now, we doubt you have two left feet. We have a quick quiz to determine if you could be a square dancer. Answer the following questions: 1) Can you count to 10? 2) Do you know which is your left hand and which is your right hand? 3) Can you tell the difference between a circle and a square? 4) Do you like to have fun? If you answered yes to all of these questions, you can 100% be a great square dancer. Much of getting there is learning, practicing, and then building upon your knowledge. Start with our New Dancer (Beginner) Program in January, and stick with it every Tuesday. By October, you'll be able to dance at the Plus level, meaning you will be able to square dance worldwide.
- I don't have a partner. Can I still take classes? YES! C'mon and join the fun. Our Club Instructor uses a computer-generating program that teams dancers together. You will be assigned a partner and be promenading in no time!
- I want my child learn too, do you have a minimum age? Yes your child can take New Dancer Classes, and Yes, we LOVE having family groups with us. Afterall, Frontier Squares classes, dances and events are family-friendly fun. However, we highly recommend that everyone who takes classes, including children, is able to stay focused, to listen and to be able to understand instructions given. A must is knowledge of right from left and understanding of the definitions for words like "circulate, pass, turn, circle", etc.
- My partner only wants to dance with me. Is that a problem? Not at all. If a couple only wants to dance with each other, then when you give your names to the Club Caller, please tell him to keep you together.
- What should I wear? Great question! For classes, we are pretty casual. Since dancing is a cardio activity, layers may be best to take off and put on as you deem appropriate. If you tend to perspire a lot, it would be appreciated if you wear long sleeves so that the other dancers do not have to grab hold of a sweaty arm when we "Left Allemande." We dance on a vinyl floor, so we suggest comfortable shoes that do not grip. For Themed Dances, it depends. Today's Square Dance Attire is usually defined both as what you picture as stereotypical square dance outfits and as dressy casual (skirts for ladies, western attire for men.) You can find our detailed dress code here: Terminology
- I missed a class . . . Now what? Breathe, life happens, we understand. First, we recommend you look at "News & Announcements" under "The Members' Tip" menu on our website. Here, you will be kept in the loop with our announcements. Next, navigate to "Forms & Links". There, you will find our New Dancer Program Schedule and instructional tools for the missed calls -- under "Square Dance Calls (Basic / Mainstream / Plus). By clicking on each individual call, you will navigate to an instructional video or graphic to catch up from the comfort of your home. The following week, our caller/instructor will start with a quick review of the previous week's lesson before introducing the new calls.
- How long should I (we) dance at the Plus level before considering more advanced levels? Everyone learns at a different speed. It is highly recommended that you actively dance for at least one year at your present level or until you are comfortable at your current level. By "comfortable at your current level", we mean you can dance proficiently without making many mistakes. You must understand the definitions and feel comfortable in your own skin. Frontier Squares recommends new dancers attend the Plus Workshops offered after graduation and Angel the next class starting in January. We find those who Angel their second year more successful in making the calls part of their mental and muscle memory. Many find the subsequent year even more enjoyable -- as is evidenced by how many of our Angels return to classes year after year. Do not let anyone rush you into advancing. Only YOU will know when YOU'RE ready. In fact, there is nothing that says you have to advance. We have long-term members who have found their place in the Plus level and have chosen to remain there. If you are in doubt or want objective advice for your specific decision, please talk with the caller.
- What is Round Dancing? Round Dancing is a couple's dance that progresses in a circle counter-clockwise around the hall. Sometimes, it is referred to as choreographed ballroom dancing, where moves are cued, and all the couples dance the same figures around the floor simultaneously. The Cuer calls out the name of the figure in the routine just before it is to be executed, so the dancers don't have to memorize the figures used. While the most common rhythms initially are two-step and waltz, other rhythms such as rumba, cha-cha, jive, and fox-trot are also included. Lessons are required to learn the steps. When round dancing is cued between tips at a square dance, it is called a "set." There are Round Dance clubs, but none are active in Greater Cincinnati at this time.
- Are there different levels in Round Dancing? Yes, Round Dancing is broken down into Phase II through Phase VI for the different rhythms.
- We'll add more questions as folks start asking.